David Freddoso in The Case Against Obama describes Barak Hussein Obama as follows:
- "Obama the orator is cotton candy. You might even enjoy watching him speak sometimes, but you know there’s nothing to any of it.
- Obama the author is deeply reflective, it at times shortsighted. He is a committed liberal, but the kind with whom you would really enjoy sipping scotch and having a conversation about almost anything.
- Obama the legislator is the kind of man who looks right through you while you speak. You can tell he is not really paying attention. He thanks you when you are done, and then proceeds to ignore everything you said. He votes with his contributors, his Machine bosses, or the left-wing groups he knows he owes. Which one it is depends in each case on the issue at hand."
Others have described Obama as an “empty suit.”
WiseGeek.com provides a working definition of “empty suit.” “An empty suit tends to refer to a non-important person — perhaps someone puffed up with his own importance but really having little effect on the lives of others. It is often used as an insult to disparage others who really don’t deserve the title. The true empty suit, which conjures up the image of a business suit of clothing without a person, really doesn’t know what he or she is doing. He or she is ineffectual, perhaps a phony, and is about as relevant or helpful as a suit hanging on a rack.
To call someone an empty suit implies that you think they are a complete waste of time. Editorials on politicians love to use the term empty suit to describe people seeking presidential office. This or that politician is just “an empty suit,” to quote the words of numerous political critics, and is thus undeserving of our attention.
Some politicians do deserve the title. A senator with a very poor voting record, or failure to attend senate sessions could clearly be called an empty suit because he is not really performing the job for which he was elected. On the other hand, some politicians may advertise themselves as “not just an empty suit” in order to distinguish themselves from their implied empty suit peers.
Tracing the word origin of empty suit is a difficult one. There is some suggestion in Greek mythology, credited to the Classical Greek playwright Euripides, that Helen, married to Menelaus and stolen by
Whether we call him cotton candy or empty suit, Barak Obama as a man is so amorphous that nailing him down is like trying to nail Jello to a tree. He appears to be Everyman, yet he consistently works from a deeply hidden script of his own, strongly molded by influential people.
Having a President like Obama attempting to run this once-free nation of independent thinking people much as an Emperor would represents the ultimate danger to the American people.
The Christian Bible records the words of Paul the Apostle in the eleventh chapter of his second letter to the church in
Marilyn Monroe was one such as this: able to present a lovely, enticing, sexy persona to the world; yet empty inside (beyond simply being blond). Her handlers would wind her up and point her in the direction she needed to go and watch an adoring public think she was the best ever. Off-stage she was seen as an empty woman.
Those around the world with their own agenda are already asserting their intention to destroy the Great Satan (us). As long as the
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