To Those Whom it Concerns:
You must resist the temptation to yield your integrity to lobbyists, and other special interests who seek only to promote their own schemes at the expense of the American citizenry. Self-aggrandizing politicians must be removed from office for they are no longer serving their electorate, but rather are continuing to line their own pockets.
The Christian scriptures exhorts us to remember that, “. . . the
Some of your cohorts fall into one or more of the above categories even if you don’t.
This is a call to return to the professed moral standards upon which this nation was founded. Granted, that our founding fathers were not always perfectly moral men, but they tried!
We have drifted so far away from the ethical guidelines present at the founding of this great nation that we have placed ourselves in danger of the very judgments promised by Almighty God.
Specific concerns of many Americans at this juncture in our morally and economically degraded situation include:
- Preservation of our 2nd Amendment rights. The threats against our right to bear arms are rife. Obama’s stated position to raise taxes on the ammunition used in the arms the 2nd Amendment guarantees us to have a right to bear constitutes a challenge worthy of the very remedies the founding fathers cited so articulately in the Declaration of Independence.
- The separation of powers provisions of the Constitution mandate resistance to abrogation by Presidential fiat of the Posse Comitatus Act ().
- We must stop illegal immigration and proffering of citizenship rights to illegals: medical care, unemployment payments, housing, licensing aliens to drive, etc. In the present economic climate and extreme need to move toward economic recovery, we can no longer afford to support those who do not enter this country legally.
- We must prosecute to the fullest extent of the law under the RICO Act the men and women responsible for the present economic crisis: the likes of Chris Dodd — Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee; Barney Frank — Chairmen, House Financial Services Committee; and the rest of the band of thieves and conspirators who are responsible for the financial collapse of the USA. To name just a few of the culprits: Henry Paulson Jr, — Secretary of the Treasury, Alan Greenspan & Ben Bernanke — Chairman Federal Reserve, Christopher Cox — SEC Chairman. Former Presidents Carter and Clinton should be included in this indictment for their part in advancing the initiatives which brought us to this place.
- We must stop bailing out every organization which has followed unwise policies and procedures resulting in flushing their enterprises and our nation down the economic toilet.
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