As a voter there are certain issues that are essential to me that I want my elected officials to attend to:
Regarding the 1st Amendment—Preserve the rights of Americans to speak publicly on subjects of importance to them—Resist with all effort the proposals to hobble talk-shows and requiring radio and television stations to submit to the so-called “Fairness Doctrine.”
Regarding the 2nd Amendment—Preserve my 2nd Amendment rights.
Regarding Environmental Issues—Fight against the environmental hoax of man-made global warming and the attendant “Cap & Trade” initiatives being proposed to fight this fictitious pseudo-science. Certainly the earth is experiencing a period of warming. However that is a normal cyclical occurrence. The perpetrators of this hoax are enriching themselves and their friends at the expense of the rest of the world and should be prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law. The RICO Act may apply here!
Regarding Social Security—While it was likely a bad idea at the outset, too many Americans have factored it into their end-of-work-life planning to allow it to go down the tube now. Protect those currently on or soon to be on Social Security from harm. They have no recovery time to employ alternate retirement schemes. One way to do this is for Congress and the Senate to place their members under Social Security.
Regarding Health Care—Health care is the responsibility of every American to provide for themselves and their families and should not be managed under the Federal government.
Regarding Welfare Programs—While Obama calls them “tax refunds” the fact is that what he has proposed is nothing less than handouts under a socialist system. Look what happened to the
Regarding Legislation—Set up rules that prohibit bills being introduced that contain unrelated “earmarks” (pork). Certainly amendments to sharpen and focus the intent of a bill should be allowed, but not the sneaking in of unrelated legislation to hide it from the public.
Regarding Government—Minimize the involvement of government in the market economy except to provide guidance for rules of conduct by individuals or corporate entities.
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