Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pray for Those in Authority

A quote attributed to Sarah Palin following the election said, “Let us unite. Let us all work together. the Apostle Paul, quoting Exodus 22:28, writes in Acts 23:5 [not Acts 23:11 as quoted]: “For it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’ ”

We are taught to honor, respect and pray for our leaders. They appreciate our prayers. They were elected to serve and will be held accountable for their stewardship of office."

The Old Testament scripture in both the Greek Septuagint and the Hebrew actually says to not curse the ruler, meaning wrongly or wickedly speaking against them.

Paul, when confronted with the position of a Jewish High Priest said (quoting Exodus 22:7 or 8) that “. . . it is written: Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people.” Speaking evil or speaking a curse on a ruler would involve saying things that are patently untrue or were outright lies with an intent to deceive or confuse the listener. If you speak truth, you are not therefore speaking evil or cursing the ruler. Yet, we are exhorted to bless and not curse those who persecute us (cf. Romans 12:9-21).

  •  “Bless those who persecute you and do not curse . . . . leave room for God’s wrath . . .” God’s justice will repay those who perpetrate evil.
  • “Overcome evil with good” does not mean simply rolling over and tolerating evil. We can speak out against evil as long as that privilege is accorded us.

Paul also wrote to a young pastor Timothy about dealing with rulers and others in authority (cf. 1 Timothy 2:1-6):

  • Pray for all those “in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives.”
  • At times God chose even heathen rulers to reign over His people for a time. But then—He destroyed those rulers who failed to accept the completed work of salvation after God’s people were again right with Him (for example, c.f. Pharoah in Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, Belshazzar in Babylon, Darius in Persia [Iran], the leaders of the armies of Amon, Moab, and Mount Seir: all ultimately were destroyed when they no longer served God’s purpose.)
  • Rulers who messed with God’s people and failed to repent found themselves subject to God’s ultimate justice. Satan and his servant the Antichrist will finally be put down in God’s time.
Pray for those in authority, but do not fail to take your place as a responsible citizen of this great nation and speak out against evil and those perpetrating it (Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Harry Reid, Barak Obama, etc). Communicate with your elected representatives frequently and let them know they are accountable for their words and actions. No longer can we allow them to violate our trust and the best interests of the United States of America!

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