Now What? There are substantive issues still outstanding:
1. Is Obama actually a citizen or not? Indications are that he is not, having been reported to have been born in
2. Is anyone looking into illegal campaign contributions to the Obama campaign from foreign sources? Can this be prosecuted under the RICO Act if found to be true?
3. Why are your staffers reportedly castigating and denigrating Sarah Palin? That is unconscionable if true! The inclusion of Governor Palin on your ticket was the major reason I supported you in this election.
4. Are you going to roll over and become Obama's lap dog? I find that hard to imagine, but would like an answer on what you see your roll in the Senate.
5. What will you do in the Senate to fight against the unsubstantiated human-caused Global Warming assertions of individuals bent on their own self-serving interests that are diverting our nation and the world into fiscal bankruptcy?
6. Will you take steps to challenge Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for their attempts to control not only the legislative process but also the American people?
I would like an answer and the American people deserve an answer to these questions. I did not serve my country in the Navy for over 22 years to knuckle under to big government and the machinations of liars and thieves. I am not accusing you, but you are in a unique position to show leadership on these important issues.
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