Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obama: Empty Suit

David Freddoso in The Case Against Obama describes Barak Hussein Obama as follows:

  • "Obama the orator is cotton candy. You might even enjoy watching him speak sometimes, but you know there’s nothing to any of it.
  • Obama the author is deeply reflective, it at times shortsighted. He is a committed liberal, but the kind with whom you would really enjoy sipping scotch and having a conversation about almost anything.
  • Obama the legislator is the kind of man who looks right through you while you speak. You can tell he is not really paying attention. He thanks you when you are done, and then proceeds to ignore everything you said. He votes with his contributors, his Machine bosses, or the left-wing groups he knows he owes. Which one it is depends in each case on the issue at hand."

Others have described Obama as an “empty suit.” provides a working definition of “empty suit.” “An empty suit tends to refer to a non-important person — perhaps someone puffed up with his own importance but really having little effect on the lives of others. It is often used as an insult to disparage others who really don’t deserve the title. The true empty suit, which conjures up the image of a business suit of clothing without a person, really doesn’t know what he or she is doing. He or she is ineffectual, perhaps a phony, and is about as relevant or helpful as a suit hanging on a rack.

To call someone an empty suit implies that you think they are a complete waste of time. Editorials on politicians love to use the term empty suit to describe people seeking presidential office. This or that politician is just “an empty suit,” to quote the words of numerous political critics, and is thus undeserving of our attention.

Some politicians do deserve the title. A senator with a very poor voting record, or failure to attend senate sessions could clearly be called an empty suit because he is not really performing the job for which he was elected. On the other hand, some politicians may advertise themselves as “not just an empty suit” in order to distinguish themselves from their implied empty suit peers.

Tracing the word origin of empty suit is a difficult one. There is some suggestion in Greek mythology, credited to the Classical Greek playwright Euripides, that Helen, married to Menelaus and stolen by Paris, was actually sequestered on an island by Apollo. Paris actually stole an empty image or empty tunic of Helen, rather than the real woman. Thus the idea of someone being phony, fake or not really there, and just an empty suit or tunic may be a concept in use for over 2000 years.”

Whether we call him cotton candy or empty suit, Barak Obama as a man is so amorphous that nailing him down is like trying to nail Jello to a tree. He appears to be Everyman, yet he consistently works from a deeply hidden script of his own, strongly molded by influential people.

Having a President like Obama attempting to run this once-free nation of independent thinking people much as an Emperor would represents the ultimate danger to the American people.

The Christian Bible records the words of Paul the Apostle in the eleventh chapter of his second letter to the church in Corinth, verses 14 & 15: “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. It is no surprise then, if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; they will meet an end which fits their deeds.”

Marilyn Monroe was one such as this: able to present a lovely, enticing, sexy persona to the world; yet empty inside (beyond simply being blond). Her handlers would wind her up and point her in the direction she needed to go and watch an adoring public think she was the best ever. Off-stage she was seen as an empty woman.

Those around the world with their own agenda are already asserting their intention to destroy the Great Satan (us). As long as the United States of America is perceived by the world as weak and indecisive we are at risk. Obama and his papparazzi (Rahm Emmanual, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Franks, Harry Reid, et al) are putting us at risk by their self-serving policies and initiatives.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How Cats Play with Mice

Did you ever watch a cat play with a mouse? First the cat attacks the mouse and gets it to freeze in fear, then the cat turns its back and appears to walk away, apparently no longer interested. Quickly the cat turns when its keen hearing tells it that the mouse has recovered somewhat and tries to slink away to safety and again savages the mouse, paralyzing it again with fear. Sometimes the cat may play with the mouse, carrying it in its teeth then dropping it and walking away or turning its attention to an interesting leaf or something else in the area. This process can go on over a rather long time. But each time the mouse recovers from its fear and tries to get away, the cat again pounces on the mouse. Finally, tiring of the game, the cat kills the mouse.

Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi and their ilk are playing cat and mouse with the American public with the insidious agenda they put forth during the election. The sad thing is that, being mesmerized, voters elected Obama to lead our country and also gave him the tools to kill off responsible, moral, initiatives important to the voters of this country (ending abortion, freedom of speech, loss of 2nd Amendment rights, and reducing the security of the nation against terrorist attacks).

Using Executive powers, President Obama can declare martial law to quell unrest deriving from the economic crisis that morally bankrupt Democrats have foisted on this nation over the past dozen years. They create the crisis and then act to restore order and thus cement their image of being the savior of a poorly run country. Cat and Mouse!

The announced closing of Guantanamo Bay is leagues beyond foolish—it has moved into downright stupid! Obama has no coherent plan to deal with the terrorists he will unleash on the our country and the world. Nothing like giving weapons (committed terrorists) to the enemy to ensure that he can do great damage to this country. Each of the 61 people released from Gitmo has returned to their former occupation of working to destroy the United States.

Instead of taking our guns away, the new “imperial regime” under Obama’s appointed cohorts are working to take the ammunition used with our guns by requiring encoding of all ammunition and destruction of any ammunition not so labeled. I guess they think its ok to own a gun that can only be used as a club!

Democrats (Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, Franks, et al) created the overextension of credit to citizens (and illegal aliens) so they would look good to poor Americans who previously could not afford a home. Fiscal policies defying logic worked together to create the current financial situation.

The RICO Act was passed to counter such illegal activities by organized crime and has been used several times against those opposing abortion and taking action to picket and speak against abortion clinics.

Let us employ the RICO Act against those responsible for the current money crisis!

US Code > Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 96—Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

§ 1961. Definitions

As used in this chapter—

(1) “racketeering activity” means . . . (B) any act which is indictable under any of the following provisions of title 18, United States Code: . . .section 1344 (relating to financial institution fraud) . . . Section 1344 reads as follows:

§ 1344. Bank fraud

Whoever knowingly executes, or attempts to execute, a scheme or artifice—

(1) to defraud a financial institution; or

(2) to obtain any of the moneys, funds, credits, assets, securities, or other property owned by, or under the custody or control of, a financial institution, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises; shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

The financial institution fraud perpetrated by Carter, exacerbated by Clinton and aided by the likes of Pelosi, Reid, and Franks has finally been revealed to constitute “financial institution fraud.”

Contact your elected representatives today and insist that they initiate proceedings under the RICO Act against those responsible for our current economic crisis.

In January of every odd-numbered year, the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate takes an oath of office.It is no longer possible to misdirect the attention of the citizenry of this once great nation away from the people sworn to “. . . support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic . . .; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

To faithfully discharge the duties of office, one must keep faith with the intentions of those voting to put one in office.

Unless We the People take back our government, we are no better off than our forebears prior to the formation of this nation! Certainly we must pray, but even the Christian Bible says, “show me your faith by your works,” and “Brothers [or sister—read fellow American citizen], if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.”  (Gal 6:1 NIV)

The poor government we have today has arisen from times where we just didn’t “give a rip” and failed to speak up or failed to show up and vote our conscience. The problems we face are huge, but not insurmountable if we work together to overcome them. Many voices are being stilled by those currently in power. The unrighteous, morally bankrupt and corrupt media has misrepresented the truth or actually repeated the lies our legislators and lobbyists have spoken. These who are allowed to have a voice (through the media or by means of their fiscal influence of people less resourceful) have stolen our countries values.

Our nation was founded as a republic on the idea of “We the People”, not just “We the influential,” or “We the rich” or “We the popular.” All must have a say in the way our nation’s values are lived out.

Regain your voice while there is still daylight left before the dark forces take over our United States of America!!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fair and Balanced News

And there you have it folks, fair and balanced news by our finest: CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, et al.

Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago: 
Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops die in unarmored Humvees"
"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"
"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, ordinary Americans get the shaft"

Headlines Today: 
"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million"
"Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"
"Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"
"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Must Speak Out Actively!!!

Dr. Carle Zimmerman wrote in 1947 in his book, Family and Civilization and described eleven “symptoms of final decay” observable in the fall of both the Greek and Roman civilizations. Most of these describe our current society in these United States:

  1. No-fault divorce
  2. “Birth Dearth”; increased disrespect for parenthood and parents
  3. Meaningless marriage rites and ceremonies
  4. Defamation of past national heroes
  5. Acceptance of alternative marriage forms
  6. Widespread attitudes of feminism, narcissism, hedonism
  7. Propagation of antifamily sentiment
  8. Acceptance of most forms of adultery
  9. Rebellious children
  10. Increased juvenile delinquency
  11. Common acceptance of all forms of sexual perversion
Adapted from Carle C. Zimmerman, Family and Civilization (Wilmington, DE, ISI Books, 2008), 255

America is infected with the deadly disease of moral decay and that most blatantly demonstrated in the lives of many (if not most) of our elected national leaders. They have yielded to the temptation to personally profit from public service. Thomas Jefferson wrote while deliberating on the wording of the Declaration of Independence in 1776: "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes... But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is [the people's] right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

Regarding resistance to government, Jefferson also wrote the following in two letters to contemporaries:

"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?" —Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787.
"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive.  It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all." —Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1787.

He warned us:

"Aristocrats fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society." —Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 1825. Yielding our prerogatives as “We the People” to power-mongers and the morally bankrupt, selfish, arrogant rich elite will surely result in loss of our hard-won freedoms, dishonoring the blood shed to secure those freedoms.
Obama's initiatives will not address these factors and we cannot allow him to aid the degradation of our society.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cat and Mouse, Bait and Switch

Watch Obama and his “posse” as they pull a cat and mouse game on the American public. With the economy looming so large in people’s minds, citizens are expecting that Obama’s stated plans for America will be subordinated to the best interests of the people. Wrong answer!!

Allowing Obama control over the finances of the TARP bailout money is a major mistake. There are no controls in place to ensure its proper use and should have never been initiated in the first place. The free market system would have brought a correction.

The perpetrators of the world-wide financial crisis which resulted in the perceived need for TARP should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law under the RICO Act. TARP was truly a “bait and switch” by corrupt politicians seeking to either line their own pockets or demonstrate their own ignorance of economics.

Obama’s plan to sign the Freedom of Choice Act is moving ahead to allow the murder of babies by abortion and killing of live-birth babies.

His plan to push his support of the so-called Gay agenda is also underway for the U.S. military. "It's time to turn the page on the bitterness and bigotry that fill so much of today's LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) rights debate," Obama said while campaigning. Although degraded by Bill Clinton’s “Don’t Ask—Don’t Tell” policy, the United States military, the greatest fighting force ever assembled, has had a policy in place against homosexual conduct since its formation. This policy annoys certain liberals who want to force their social agenda on the rest of the country and ignore those affected.

Obama’s announced intention to take away guns and ammunition from citizens in contravention of the 2nd Amendment is also moving forward in several states by his enlisting the aid of liberal Democrats who want a total ban on firearms and ammunition in the hands of the public. Recent bills have been introduced in states to require the encoding of ammunition and confiscation or destruction of all un-encoded ammunition.

Likewise, attempts to convert our 401k, 403b, and other retirement funds into additions to Social Security are being proposed and which will essentially make the citizens of this once-great country slaves to the power-mongers in our country.

Obama’s insouciance, arrogance, and naĂŻvetĂ© must not be allowed to put our country down the sewer of immorality and corruption. While our silence has brought this about, it must stop now!

These are dangerous times (in our country and world-wide) and we must remain vigilant to thwart these insidious attempts to turn America to Obama’s Marxist/Socialist agenda!! We can no longer allow our legislators to run free with our country. Get involved at every level!!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oppose the Freedom of Choice Act!

As most of you know, Obama made a public announcement that he is going to sign the Freedom Of Choice Act, which will allow all types of abortions including partial birth abortions, also allowing babies who are born alive due to botched up late term abortions, to be set aside without any medical care or nourishment and  left to die (most of these babies have no medical problems and most of the ones that do, have things like cleft palates, club feet, things that are correctable, still they are murdered in the most cruel and inhuman way. They feel everything that is happening to them. There is more mercy for dogs that are put to sleep) This Bill also will make it mandatory for doctors and nurses to perform this murderous act even if they do not want to do so. This act also allows under age teens to have an abortion, even partial birth abortions, without parental consent. 
    Catholic Bishops have pleaded with Obama not to go ahead with this horrible murder of innocent babies. They have also told Obama that if he persists in signing this Bill which would require even Catholic Hospitals to perform these acts of murder, they will have no choice but to close all Catholic Hospitals.  Please let us join with these courageous Bishops who will go to any length to change Obama's mind.  Please take a minute to sign this statement and let our voices be heard. 
    This is a great, informative website.  You can click on the video of Obama's speech to the Planned Parenthood group where he promised that the first thing he would do if elected President would be to sign the Freedom Of Choice Act.  He isn't even in the White House yet and he made a statement last night that he will go forward with his plans to sign this outrageous bill.  He still can change his mind because the Bill cannot be signed until he is actually the President.
    Please let your family and friends know about this Bill and ask them to also sign this petition. Please click on the web site below.  It will take less than a minute of your time, doesn't cost anything and God will bless you for standing up for Him and His commandment, "Thou shalt not kill".
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing"

Click on the link below to sign petition:

Monday, January 12, 2009

Billy Graham's Prayer for Our Nation

 'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance.  We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.  We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.  We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.  We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.  We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.  We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.  We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our fo refathers and called it enlightenment.  Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

This man of God sure has a good view of what's happening to our country! 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Contact Your Representatives

To contact your elected federal representatives and let them know your concerns and values.

For U.S. Congress, go to:

For U.S. Senate, go to:

Rather than just complain about the state of our country, contact your representatives and insist that they hear you. If “we the people” fail to speak up, we deserve whatever the special interests are able to manipulate.

If those who supposedly represent us don’t get input, they may feel the freedom to serve their own interests instead of ours.


It Begins

Given the proclivity for hidden agendas, Obama and other liberal politicians are massing for an assault on patriotic men and women who have given (often the “full measure of devotion”) their lives to protect American interests.

The Congressional Budget Office under the Office of Management and Budget is proposing that veterans be denied or face significantly increased costs for the medical care that their service warrants. Congress has worked for several years to correct pay and healthcare deficits experienced by those who serve for less than the value their training and experience demands. Now CBO is proposing to add much higher costs to those already "taxing" our military and veterans lower than comparable wages and benefits.

Having served my country for over 22 years, I am intimately aware of the shortfall in compensation we provide our service members. My first year of active duty as an officer with the Navy had me in such a situation that my children were eligible for free lunches at school. Many enlisted service members were in far worse circumstances financially. Often they were eligible for food stamps!

Now, unless our representatives support those who have served or are serving, we will have to take another hit for health care costs at a time when the economy provides little opportunity to recover. This can be particularly bad for those on fixed incomes.

This cannot be!!

An article on summarizes well the impact on military families. See,15240,182097,00.html

Step up and insist that those we elected to represent us to protect the lives of those who gave so much to protect us.

Just One State

This is only one State...............If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will!  

1.       40% of all workers in Los Angeles County (L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.

2.       95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3.       75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4.       Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5.       Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

6.       Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7.       The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8.       Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9.       21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.

10.    In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County  ) 

 (All 10 of the above facts are from the Los Angeles Times) 
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 
29% are on welfare.

Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of CaliforniaFlorida, and New York) results from immigration. 

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue. Stop right now!! Phone, e-mail, fax or visit your representatives in Congress and insist that this situation be addressed urgently! In the current economic crisis, we cannot afford to remain complacent.

If you don't know how to contact your representatives, turn on your computer (or go to the library if you don't have a computer) and visit the following web sites:

For U.S. Congress, go to

For the U.S. Senate, go to

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Note to Republican Legislators

You have blown it! You failed to look beyond your personal interests and the misguided interests that do not serve the American public. You fit into the category described by an ancient text:

What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” [James 4:1-3, Holy Bible, New International Version]

Citizens of the United States of America do not need public servants who are not serving the highest public interests, but rather lining their own pockets. I am personally disgusted with all who fit this category, yet are deceived by the pull of power and riches.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Open Letter to Federal Legislators for 2009

To Those Whom it Concerns:

You must resist the temptation to yield your integrity to lobbyists, and other special interests who seek only to promote their own schemes at the expense of the American citizenry. Self-aggrandizing politicians must be removed from office for they are no longer serving their electorate, but rather are continuing to line their own pockets.

The Christian scriptures exhorts us to remember that, “. . . the kingdom of God will never belong to the wicked . . . Don’t be under any illusion—neither the impure, the idolater or the adulterer; neither the effeminate, the pervert or the thief; neither the swindler, the drunkard, the foul-mouthed or the rapacious shall have any share in the kingdom of God. And such were some of you!” [1 Corinthians 6:9-10—J. B. Phillips translation]

Some of your cohorts fall into one or more of the above categories even if you don’t.

This is a call to return to the professed moral standards upon which this nation was founded. Granted, that our founding fathers were not always perfectly moral men, but they tried!

We have drifted so far away from the ethical guidelines present at the founding of this great nation that we have placed ourselves in danger of the very judgments promised by Almighty God.

Specific concerns of many Americans at this juncture in our morally and economically degraded situation include:

  • Preservation of our 2nd Amendment rights. The threats against our right to bear arms are rife. Obama’s stated position to raise taxes on the ammunition used in the arms the 2nd Amendment guarantees us to have a right to bear constitutes a challenge worthy of the very remedies the founding fathers cited so articulately in the Declaration of Independence.
  • The separation of powers provisions of the Constitution mandate resistance to abrogation by Presidential fiat of the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C. § 1385).
  • We must stop illegal immigration and proffering of citizenship rights to illegals: medical care, unemployment payments, housing, licensing aliens to drive, etc. In the present economic climate and extreme need to move toward economic recovery, we can no longer afford to support those who do not enter this country legally.
  • We must prosecute to the fullest extent of the law under the RICO Act the men and women responsible for the present economic crisis: the likes of Chris Dodd — Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee; Barney Frank — Chairmen, House Financial Services Committee; and the rest of the band of thieves and conspirators who are responsible for the financial collapse of the USA. To name just a few of the culprits: Henry Paulson Jr, — Secretary of the Treasury, Alan Greenspan & Ben Bernanke — Chairman Federal Reserve, Christopher Cox — SEC Chairman. Former Presidents Carter and Clinton should be included in this indictment for their part in advancing the initiatives which brought us to this place.
  • We must stop bailing out every organization which has followed unwise policies and procedures resulting in flushing their enterprises and our nation down the economic toilet.