Monday, December 1, 2008

Ask President Bush to Pardon Compeon and Ramos

In an article entitled: I Beg Your Pardon, Mr. President, Doug Patton presents an excellent case for imploring President George W. Bush to pardon two Border Patrol agents who were simply doing their job and have been convicted and incarcerated for doing their duty. A clear travesty of justice!

Patton opines:

“For George W. Bush, the case of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean is a stench in the nostrils of every thinking American who loves justice.

One night in February 2005, Mexican drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila drove his van illegally across the border from Mexico to the United States carrying 743 pounds of marijuana. When confronted by Agents Ramos and Compean, Aldrete-Davila tried to flee back across the border. The agents, thinking they saw a weapon in the suspect's hand, opened fire, hitting him in the buttocks. He continued to flee and managed to escape back into Mexico.

Federal prosecutors gave Aldrete-Davila blanket immunity to return to the U.S. and testify against the agents. Ramos and Compean were subsequently convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and violation of civil rights.

Ramos got 11 years in prison. Compean got 12 years.”

Nationally ranked talk-show-host Glenn Beck has presented a clear case for reversing this travesty as have Rush Limbaugh and others in numerous blogs representing the voice of concerned Americans.

We cannot expect those assigned to guard our borders to do their jobs if we fail to protect them!

Patton goes on to say:

“It also turns out that this low-life drug smuggler re-entered the United States at least 10 different times in 2005 and that he was caught smuggling drugs while he was waiting to testify against Ramos and Compean. These facts were not brought up at their trial. . . . These men put their lives on the line for us just as surely as our brave troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and justice demands a full presidential pardon.”

I totally agree with Doug Patton, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and others advocating the release of Ignacio Compeon and Jose Ramos.

Call, write and/or e-mail the White House to urge President Bush to pardon these men. Do it today! The window of opportunity is closing rapidly.

Go to to learn the phone number, mailing address and e-mail address of the White House.

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